The HIPPY (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters) is a structured, national program for training parents to serve effectively as their children's first teachers while they are 3-5 years old.  With the NCJW (National Council of Jewish Women) Dallas-HIPPY field trips program, youngsters and their parents are introduced to our major local museums as a family fun, adventure trip with profound teaching and learning included.  This NCJW Dallas - HIPPY partnership program has been thriving for seventeen years.

I went on this trip as a reporter-photographer.  Here is the story as I experienced it.

Anatomy Exhibit

Anatomy - Learning with Mom

NCJW Dallas - HIPPY Richardson Field Trip to Perot Museum

To me, this trip seemed to be a very engaging way to introduce youngsters to science.  The atmosphere was festive .

The field trips are a NCJW (National Council of Jewish Women) Greater Dallas Section project done in partnerships with HIPPY in the Dallas, Richardson, and Irving School districts. Carol Tobias and Syl Benenson are current Co-Chairs for the project .  Johanna Betancourt, from the Richardson HIPPY program is a former HIPPY mom who is now a paid supervisor.  The two groups collaborate to produce this event.

Project leaders - Johanna Betancourt from HIPPY Richardson and Carol Tobias from NCJW Dallas

Volunteering for this event is normally an easy and fun task.  Because children come with parents who handle discipline, as well as HIPPY program leaders, NCJW volunteers normally do not need to handle any discipline issues.  For HIPPY parents and youngsters, the field trip programs are usually a new experience and they seem delighted to have the opportunity to participate.  There is currently growing demand among HIPPY parents to participate in this field trip program. 

Volunteers for this Event

150 HIPPY people (parents and youngsters) attended this event. Normal range of HIPPY attendees is between x and xx. The field trip program is tightly integrated into the school district run HIPPY programs. Attendance at the field trips is a requirement.



Photos, Story and Web Post design by Laura G. Diamond_ Writer-Photographer

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